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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

REVOLUTION, EVOLUTION: the greatest times since 1967! What's in store?

REVOLUTION, EVOLUTION: the greatest times since 1967! What's in store?
FANTASTIC INFORMATION in the interview with Astrologer Len Wallick!
The implication is that we are more aware now, than we were in the 1960′s and we have an opportunity to really change the world we live in by means of perseverance and acting from a place of integrity in all that we do. We must not judge our brothers and sisters, and we must reconnect to the cosmos, to each other, and to all living beings. We can and will evolve as a species if we allow ourselves to accept the idea that we are truly living in amazing times!
Please enjoy our work on healing and other matters in the world today.We encourage your comments as well as additions to this blog for humanity.

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