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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Michael Belkin of "The Refusers" speaks out on The Vaccine Epidemic & Corruption!

Michael Belkin of "The Refusers" speaks out on The Vaccine Epidemic & Corruption!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Are you sick and tired of being sick? Wil Spencer and Jamey Behringer expose the myth!

Are you sick and tired of being sick? Wil Spencer and Jamey Behringer expose the myth!
Dr. Wil Spencer believes that all health goes back to what you eat, as in “you are what you eat”. How does he know this?  He has been working with people from all over the world, as well as farm animals,dogs & cats and even has success with  honey bees. What is the secret? Keep reading!
What did we talk about on the show today?

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Global Warming: a false alarm from assuming that extreme weather happen everywhere

Global Warming: a false alarm from assuming that extreme weather happen everywhere

-This year, a number of groups ranging from the National Audubon Society to the Department of Interior, released the U.S. State of the Birds report showing that nearly a third of the nation’s 800 bird species are endangered, threatened or in significant decline due to habitat loss, invasive species and other threats including climate change. The major shift attributed to the climate crisis related to the migratory patterns and a large shift northward among a vast range of bird species in the U.S.