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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

CLIMATE CHANGE BILLS & language associated with them

CLIMATE CHANGE BILLS & language associated with them

What's in your wallet?  
"Please keep in mind that scientists have no proof of sustained  Global Warming , and are either  behind the learning curve of there own methods of calculating such an enormous claim, or they are part of what I call "pushing an agenda"  based on greed instead of Science. Most of the bills being presented are proposing methods to cool the planet based off of  Global Warming prediction models, yet scientists world wide are beginning to see the early signs of a Global  Cooling.:"

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What is Lunar Libration? What is the FAR SIDE of the moon?

What is Lunar Libration? What is the FAR SIDE of the moon?

Shedding light on The Moon
For Release: 1/6/2015
TTD discovered a Lunar anomaly in 2011 that has most certainly caught our attention.We published the results of our findings in a video called The Polar Shift of the Moon. The video has over a million views in it's three released versions. What we discovered in 2011 was that the moon was on a tilted orbit, perhaps reacting to an approaching new large gravitational source. What the source was, we have no yet identified. Turns out we may have been correct about the full tilt of the moon though. We also set out to prove our findings as well spell out some myths that the trolls had been posting to our mini- documentary. Keep in mind that our documentary was released on You Tube in the summer of 2011, and by 2013, the film had been sighted by various  companies (including Warner Brothers Media)  over 80 times for copyright infringement, to which ALL the erroneous claims were eventually dismissed. This in itself is very telling.We have not dismissed this.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Connecting the Dots PART II

Connecting the Dots PART II

Weather Modification & The China Lake Connection
Part 2 – Connecting the Dots 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How to calculate the altitude of that chemtrail plane or clouds

How to calculate the altitude of that chemtrail plane or clouds


All too often we the public has to guess the altitude of a cloud or  a chemtrail  when attempting to give a witness testimony.   I have even witnessed some pretty  heated debates on discussion boards regarding altitude alone!  The Truth Denied is a problem solving tabloid, so we have a solution for this public debate. The altitude of stationary or moving cloud, trail and plane can be calculated. EASY as 1-2-3 .

MOON, MARS, EARTH Part 1 Chemtrails Connection

Aerospace programs connection to GEOENGINEERING.  This is a THREE part series.  We discuss The MINING Projects on the MOON and Mars, the potential risks, the companies involved, and why has it been kept from the PUBLIC?ase enjoy our work on healing and other matters in the world today.We encourage your comments as well as additions to this blog for humanity.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Russian Bombers Entering Allied Airspace: A Cause For Concern?

Russian Bombers Entering Allied Airspace: A Cause For Concern? 

This is an issue that needs far more attention. The job of every citizen who lives in a free country is to hold their elected leaders accountable, and also to make sure that they government does not gain more power than the citizens. In this respect we are failing. Voice your concerns about nuclear weapons to your elected officials and representatives. Tell them that you will not tolerate even the consideration of any country to engage in nuclear warfare, nor will you allow any country to make threats of nuclear war. We are allowing a handful of people to control the most destructive weapons known to mankind. The biggest fear of any corrupt or tyrannical government is that the masses finally catch on to their unjust and inhuman ideals. We are 7 billion strong and our strongest weapons are keyboards and paper; and you should never be afraid to use them.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Chemtrails Blocking Sunsets & Rising Full Moon: What are they hiding?

Chemtrails Blocking Sunsets & Rising Full Moon: What are they hiding? 

X-Police officer states " I have been documenting chemtrails in Northern California, and there is a connection between full moons and chemtrails. See my REPORT HERE and be sure to pass it on"~ Jim Kerr

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

How to remove an RFID IMPLANT

How to remove an  RFID  IMPLANT 

PLEASE stop and pass this on to any of the TI's that may be in your group.

THE TRUTH DENIED recieves tons of emails about those of you who are TI (Targeted Individuals) and the first thing you want to know about is how do you scan and remove your chip. Hopefully this will be of VALUE to you now.

Apparently, the removal of an RFID Implant is complicated to remove whether you are a pet or a human. First you have to find a practitioner who can detect the chip. Secondly, you must find a surgeon who is willing to remove the chip, or find a technician who can erase the chip and stop it from transmitting data. The following is sure to help those of you who may have strong implications of chip implantation. This article is to aid you in your search for either chip detection and or chip removal.