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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Physicists achieve Teleportation, so what's next? Quantum Computers

Physicists achieve Teleportation, so what's next? Quantum Computers

Quantum Computing and teleportation:::So what is the importance of teleportation and what is it’s application used for ? You guessed it!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

California Drought Update 2015

Some residents have reason to believe that the extreme drought in California may very well have been manufactured. Observers look to the skies for leads that only seem to be creating more and more questions regarding the ongoing weather modification programs as a possible culprit. Adding to the confusion of the ongoing world-wide debate as to whether or not these geoengineering programs are even in existence, history defines provisions and laws as proof of the artificial weather programs that are unfortunately here to stay, regardless of the negative impacts both environmentally as well as socially

California Drought causes Mandatory Water Restrictions

California Drought causes Mandatory Water Restrictions

Aerospace Meets Chemtrails : Moon, Mars Geoengineering connection

NASA and Wikipedia:
"Planetary Engineering is the application of technology for the purpose of influencing the global properties of a planet." "Perhaps the best-known type of planetary engineering is Terraforming.
"Geoengineering is the application of planetary engineering techniques to Earth. Recent geoengineering proposals have principally been methods to tackle human-induced climate changeby either removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (e.g. usingocean iron fertilization) or by managing solar radiation (e.g. by using mirrors in space) in order to negate the net warming effect of climate change.
The late Carl Sagan said that it is " humanity's moral obligation to make other worlds suitable for life".
Others tend to believe terraforming would be an "unethical interference in nature, and that given humanity's past treatment of the Earth"...

Monday, March 30, 2015

Multiple UFO's Buzzing Chemtrail Jet... Beyond Chemtrails...

Multiple UFO's Buzzing Chemtrail Jet... Beyond Chemtrails...

Tell us what YOU see?
 Jim Kerr documents UFO's and has some astounding photographic evidence for the public to compare notes with..... Check it out and please feel free to pass it on! You tell us, what do you see the photos, as well the videos. Check out the article that covers extensive UFO sightings around the world!

The Truth Denied

Written by Jim Kerr

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Craft Detected On Moon : Testimony of (NSA) and NASA Dr. Norton

Testimony of Dr. Eric Norton

"What I saw was an array of massive, three-dimensional, black structures in space, in straight-line formation, advancing in direction of planet Earth," he said. He was shown the objects over a three-month period and saw they "had moved millions upon millions of miles closer within just months."

"Analyzing the objects, he and his team hypothesized that they must be made of a material several thousand times as hard as the hardest materials known to humans on Earth."The objects have been a cause of great concern" Norton said.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Diego Garcia: A Black Project Military Base with Secrets to Hide

Diego Garcia: A Black Project Military Base with Secrets to Hide

Today, the main island of Diego Garcia is America’s largest military base in the world, outside the US. There are more than 4,000 troops, two bomber runways, thirty warships and a satellite spy station. The Pentagon calls it an “indispensable platform” for policing the world. Additionally, it's possible that  Diego Garcia  is home to Alien technology and a  strange facility under the sea has been identified.